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This presentation will review 2024 cases and rulings in the estate, gift and generation-skipping tax areas. Discussion will include impact of the 2024 election on upcoming changes to the law.
About Our Speakers
Andrew Katzenstein is a partner in the Private Client Services Department where he assists high net worth individuals, companies and charitable organizations with all aspects of tax and estate planning. He focuses his practice on tax planning matters, which include estate, gift and generation-skipping tax planning, as well as income tax of trust planning, probate and trust administration matters, resolving disputes between fiduciaries and beneficiaries, and charitable planning.
Cary Robbins is a partner in the Private Client Services Department where she provides sophisticated estate and tax planning advice to individuals and families, with an emphasis on the multigenerational transfer of wealth. She routinely counsels clients on their charitable giving and assists with the formation and administration of private foundations to meet their charitable goals. She has extensive experience advising fiduciaries in connection with the administration of complex trusts and estates as well as representing fiduciaries in estate and trust litigation matters.
Look Who is Coming!
Bob. | Abelson | Paul | Hargraves | |
Bob | Abelson, CPA | PATRICIA | HARIK | |
Carmen | Alberio | Eric | Harris | |
Ernesto | Aldover | Lee Ann | Hitchman | |
David | Andrade | Todd | Hollingshead | |
Nadia | Antii | john | hooks | |
bruce | attig | Natallia | Ioannou | |
Heather | Baker | alexis | jensen | |
Joe | Baratta | Sharon | Kalani | |
Michael | Barth | Angela | Klenk | |
Stephanie | Bezner | Mickey | Knickerbocker | |
Allen | Bond | han | le | |
Daniel | Bradshaw | Andrew | Manier | |
Gene | Brown | Mike | Millea | |
Milana | Budisavljevic | Mark | Miller | |
Cheryl | Carter | Marcella | Miller | |
Phillip | Cook | Shawn | Nejad | |
Kathleen | Crane | Grant | Niman | |
Kristen | Damon | Nancy | Pearson | |
Patti | DeRudder | Peter | Pettler | |
Linda | Dorfmont | Rhonica | Petty | |
Claire | Durand | Angela | Sheldon | |
Samuel | Ford | Grace | St. Clair | |
Michael | Goergen | Larry | Takahashi | |
Erica | Gomez | Tiana | Takenaga | |
Suzanne | Grudnitski | Daniel | Taylor | |
David | Guelff | Laura | Thatcher | |
Mary | Hanson | Mark | Tsujimoto | |
Carl | Walsh |