“Experiences of ‘This Went Wrong” where Hindsight becomes Foresight”
Date: Thursday, May 23, 2024
Time: 7:45am - 9:00am
Speaker: Moderated by Garee Gasperian, Esq.
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Garee Gasperian will continue the discussion from our May General meeting on Estate Planning disasters. Bring your horror stories!
An estate plan may not go "sideways" until way down the road - during estate administration or (egads) estate litigation. The focus group will be a discussion of how in hindsight a problem may have been avoided so that one person's hindsight can be another person's foresight to avoid the problem.
Look Who Is Coming!
Bob. Abelson
Phillip Cook
Kristen Damon
Linda Dorfmont
Samuel Ford
Garee Gasperian
Michael Goergen
Dave Guelff
Patricia Harik
Eric Harris
Vicki Intriago
Angela Klenk
Michael Ozawa
Rhonica Petty
Mark Tsujimoto