Proposition 19 Revisited: Proactive Planning Techniques and Practice Pointers

Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023
Time: 7:00am - 9:00am
Location: Depot Restaurant and Via Zoom
Speaker: Greg Broege (attending via Zoom)

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RSVPs are now closed.  Give Marlowe a call at 310-375-6300 to see if she can squeeze you in!

Comparison of prior parent-child and over-55 base year exclusions to the Prop 19 versions of the same.  We will analyze the differences and any new nuances.  We will also provide potential planning techniques to transfer property to children without reassessment.



Greg was born in Long Branch, New Jersey and grew up at the Jersey Shore. Greg attended Florida State University for his undergraduate studies where he graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. After graduating from FSU, Greg attended UCLA School of Law where he was awarded a Dean’s Merit Scholarship.

Greg began his practice at Latham & Watkins LLP. Greg joined Ajalat, Polley, Ayoob, Matarese & Broege in 2009 where he specializes solely in California State & Local Tax matters. Greg became a partner in 2016.

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